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Fees for 2025
.Individual registration early payment through midnight June 15, $650.  June 16 to midnight July 14, $675.
.Group of 6 or more when one payment is made for the group, $625 per person through midnight June 15.  June 16 to midnight July 14, $650.
.Booth through July 14, $1695.

•  Commitment to Payment: Register for WIFLE 2025 ONLY AFTER you secure approval and funding from your agency. By registering for WIFLE Leadership Training, you are obligating your agency to the financial responsibility.

•  Accepted Payment Methods: Agency cards, EFT, and checks by mail.

•  Incorrect Payment Method: USE THE CORRECT PAYMENT METHOD authorized by your Agency! If an incorrect card is used, a non-refundable $50 processing fee will be charged to rectify the error.

•  Cancellation: If you or your agency fails to cancel your attendance before the July 14 deadline, the training fee remains due and payable to WIFLE in as much as you were included in the plate, break, training seats, and room count.

•  Collection Policy and Procedures: WIFLE uses E-invoicing (web-based invoicing and payment) for an automated billing process. The invoice is generated and emailed to the email address on the registration form. WIFLE requests payment at the time of registration. If unpaid, after a 30-day period, WIFLE will try to collect payments by sending reminder notices, contacting you by phone and email, and ultimately contact an agency official in order to fulfill collection for the debt. If unpaid, your record will be archived and your registration terminated.

Registration Information
•  Invoice Dispute Resolution: Disputes in billing can be made by email to  Describe the dispute in clear terms and provide supporting documentation where needed. WIFLE addresses disputes within 30 days.

•  Groups from 6-20 can be registered at a time when paid with one payment instrument. Repeat the process and use a different registration email address if you register more than 20. The system will accept 6-20 as a group under one email account.

•  Required additional responses are Attending the Award Banquet (Y/N), Vegan or Vegetarian, and Food Allergy (name it).

•  Reduced-fee payment deadline is midnight June 15. Regular fees then apply.

  • Refunds issued less $50 for incorrect card being used. Check with your agency as to what card is appropriate for payment to avoid the $50 fee.

•  Use your employer/work email address to register for the training. Use your personal email address as the 'alternate.'

Questions? Contact Carol Paterick,


Your donation to the Foundation ensures WIFLE continues its annual Leadership Training event and its work toward gender equality in Federal law enforcement.



Your donation to the WIFLE Scholarship Fund helps us continue the critical scholarship assistance program for students pursuing degrees in law enforcement.


Mentoring is Imperative!

WIFLE opened a new program, the WIFLE Mentor Program.  Read more about and sign up to be a WIFLE Mentor at this link.  In addition, WIFLE offers a session for mentoring at every leadership training event.  We have round-table discussions with local girl scouts, police explorers, and similar community groups so that we can answer questions about being female in a law enforcement environment and questions about each of the Federal agencies.  The questions show the amount of curiosity about law enforcement and underscore the importance of sharing our law enforcement life with those coming along.  We always hope to inspire careers in law enforcement and we always hope to impress upon girls that Federal, State or local law enforcement is an admirable and attainable goal.  If you want to be part of WIFLE mentoring, email with your name, telephone, and brief summary of you.

Be creative

We encourage you to submit a proposal for a workshop at the upcoming WIFLE Leadership Training event.  We focus on law enforcement, security and safety, career and leadership, and work-life balance.  Share your proposal with us.  Complete the form and email to  Download Proposal Form (DOC)

Upcoming annual training - Contact WIFLE, or 301-805-2180 for details.


WIFLE offers memberships at various levels including a Student level.  Check out the eligibility criteria for each level and join.  WIFLE is the oldest professional organization for women in Federal law enforcement.


The WIFLE Foundation, Inc.'s Annual Training Conference enhances  knowledge in critical and timely law enforcement topics by presenting a variety of speakers from Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies and content experts across the United States. Highly acclaimed, WIFLE is a leader in professional training for women advancing their law enforcement career.

WIFLE Foundation, Inc.
2200 Wilson Blvd.
Ste 102, PMB-204
Arlington, VA 22201
United States
DUNS 006311038
Cage Code 5NJY0
EIN: 20-4532945

Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc.
DUNS 17405102
Cage Code 37WJ7
EIN: 54-1951589

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