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WIFLE Foundation, Inc.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity/education organization

WIFLE Annual Awards Program

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WIFLE 2025 Award Program Material

>2025 Announcement and Nomination Forms<   ~ FILLABLE PDF  |  DOCX ~

Deadline to Submit: Friday, April 25, 2025
Awardees Announced: Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Agencies may submit 3 nominees per Award

Each agency may submit 3 nominees per award. The WIFLE Foundation Awards are presented to sworn and non-sworn personnel who have excelled in the following areas of law enforcement excellence:

  • Demonstrated exceptional courage, bravery or heroism;
  • Sustained superior levels of intelligence analysis and situational awareness during a National Security Special Event  to prevent crime and terrorism;
  • Modeled superior performance as role models for women in law enforcement;
  • Recognized as a strong advocate whose demonstrated commitment has eliminated systemic barriers to career opportunities for women;
  • Performed outstanding work as a state or local officer in a task force to investigate sex trafficking, terrorist crimes, and other civil rights violations against women;
  • Prosecuted federal crimes involving trafficking of women, children, human beings, violence against women or minorities, civil rights and any terrorist related violation about the United States;
  • Developed an effective partnership with a private sector in creating a system that prevents crimes; or,
  • Contributed to the public interest of our country by faithfully serving and maintaining a distinguished law enforcement career for over 20 years.

Jessie Lane, United States Secret Service (ret)
WIFLE Foundation Vice President

Amy Lee, Suffolk County Sheriff's Office, received WIFLE's 2024
Partnership Award for Outstanding Contributions of a State or
Local Officer Serving on a Federal Task Force

Some WIFLE Award Categories

Julie Y Cross Award®

1.       Displayed an unusual degree of courage, stamina, and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty resulting in an exceptional heroic achievement in law enforcement.
2.       Act took place between January and December of the previous year.

Eligibility:  All full-time, sworn Federal law enforcement officers.

WIFLE Leadership Award

•    Displayed initiative and effective federal law enforcement/private industry partnership in creating a system or model that prevents crimes.  The model may have been developed as a result of learning from past crimes, or as a result of thinking proactively and creatively about what can be done to prevent certain crimes from occurring again.
-All full-time, sworn and non-sworn Federal law enforcement officers.

Contribution(s) or evidence presented must have occurred or impact continues to occur between January and December of the previous year.

Outstanding Federal Law Enforcement Employee

1.       Sustains a superior level of performance.
2.       Serves as a role model for women in law enforcement.
3.       Three accomplishments must be cited within a five-year period.

4.       One example must have occurred between January and December of the previous year.

Eligibility:  All full-time Federal law enforcement personnel, sworn and non-sworn.

Elizebeth Smith Friedman Intelligence Award of Excellence

1.    Demonstrated an exceptional and sustained level of intelligence analysis, which provided a substantial and broad impact in one or all areas of the field of intelligence as recognized by the agency and/or the intelligence community.
2.    Processed information into actionable intelligence in furtherance of a law enforcement operation, special event, such as National Special Security Event (NSSE), reduction/prevention of crime, and/or terrorism.
3.    Innovated intelligence integration functions to further investigative operations, secure/protect an event (NSSE), reduce/prevent crime, and/or prevent terrorism.
4.    Increased situational awareness, innovative intelligence techniques, and/or integrated views on issues of national security and public safety, in alignment to the ever-changing demands of the law enforcement profession or intelligence profession.

5.    Analyzed intelligence that resulted in significant contributions or enhanced the effectiveness of a complex investigative effort; the successful outcome of a special event(s) (NSSE) and/or law enforcement operation(s).

Eligibility:  All full-time Federal law enforcement personnel, sworn and non-sworn and full time intelligence professionals from the Intelligence Field.  An individual or group may be nominated.

Outstanding Advocate for Women in Federal Law Enforcement

1.       Contribution(s) must be substantial and have broad impact in one or all areas of recruiting, retaining or promoting women in law enforcement.
2.       Show evidence that the individual cited is an advocate, advisor and leader in the continued support of women in law enforcement.
3.       Contribution(s) or evidence presented must have occurred or impact continues to occur between January and December of the previous year.

Eligibility:  All full-time Federal employees, sworn and non-sworn.

WIFLE Partnership Award-Outstanding Contribution of a State or Local Officer Serving on a Federal Task Force

Demonstrates exceptional investigative work in a task force group or in a task force environment investigating individual(s) engaged in the following crimes:
Trafficking of women or children for sexual exploitation or any individual for forced labor; crime(s) of violence against women or any minority group;
Civil rights violation(s); any terrorist-related violation against the United States; or,
Any corporate or governmental fraud.
2.    State or local officer serves as a vital member of the team and demonstrates exemplary conduct and willingness to advance the objectives of the task force and is recognized by the supervision/management of their department and the federal agency for those attributes.
3.    Individual nominated serves as a role model for women in law enforcement.
4.    Investigation must have concluded or been adjudicated between January and December of the previous year

Eligibility:  All full-time State or Local Law Enforcement Officers.  All nominees must be a full-time employee with their agency/department as of February of the current year.

Top Prosecutor

1.       Demonstrates exceptional work in obtaining a conviction for individual(s) engaged in the following crimes:
Trafficking of women or children for sexual exploitation or any individual for forced labor;
Committed or attempted to commit a crime of violence against women or any minority group;
Committed a civil rights violation;
Committed any terrorist-related violation against the United States; or, committed any corporate or governmental fraud.
2.       Prosecution must have occurred between January and December of the previous year.

Eligibility:  All full-time Federal prosecutors.  An individual or group may be nominated.

The WIFLE Foundation, Inc. may add or terminate award categories at the direction of the WIFLE Foundation, Inc. Board.

The WIFLE Foundation, Inc.'s Annual  Training enhances law enforcement knowledge in critical and timely topics by skilled expert presenters in various law enforcement fields from Federal, State Tribal and local agencies. Highly acclaimed, WIFLE is a leader in professional training to advance law enforcement careers.

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Office: +1 (301) 805-2180

2220 Wilson Blvd.
Ste. 102, PMB-204
Arlington, VA 22201

WIFLE Foundation, Inc. is in DUNS Number: 006311038  CAGE Code: 5NJY0  UEI Number: JWC7DM26MJF3
D&B Legal Business Name: WIFLE (Women in Federal Law Enforcement) Foundation, Inc.
The Foundation Tax ID is 20-4532945

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