A note on payment. The last screen will display "Pay Now" so you can use your credit/debit card, or "Invoice Me" so you can send a check issued to WIFLE Foundation and mailed to Margaret Moore, 37378 Oxford Ct, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971.
7:45am Check-in 9:00am Shotgun Start, Scramble Format
About the Annual WIFLE Julie Y Cross© Golf Tournament
For several years, WIFLE has held an annual golf tournament. It is one of our biggest draws; welcomes all level of golfing skills; both local and out-of-the-area golfers join; and is fun for all!
This is a charity event - all profits benefit the Women in Federal Law Enforcement Scholarship Fund helping to send women to college who are pursuing a career in law enforcement. The tournament honors all active and retired federal, state, and local law enforcement, emergency responders, firefighters and US Veterans. To date WIFLE has awarded $250,000 in scholarships.
You do not need any special skills to join us in golfing! In fact, a great number of the golfers are first-timers or at the beginning/elementary level. There are fantastic prizes to be won, a lunch offered to players, a goodie bag and laughs galore!
Sponsorships are available at $800.00 Beverage Cart (your name or company name at hole); $500.00 Closest to the Pin (your name or company name at hole); and, $125.00 Regular Holes (your name at hole)
Register or sponsor online through this form. For sponsorship levels outside of those shown, Contact Margie Moore, 703-981-6903, WIFLE Chair, to discuss.
Registration deadline is October 16, 2022.